

In rexxsort.cmd (50 KB) you'll find several tests of various sort algorithms (Shell sort, heap sort, quick sort, merging sort). Before running any of these tests the script has to be configured by editing a few lines at the top:

ABSOLUTE = 0 If 1 show absolute timings in seconds.
VERYSLOW = 0 If 1 include O(n²) algorithms
ALLMERGE = 0 If 1 include binary and natural merging sort.
ALLQUICK = 1 If 0 include only the best heap and quick sort.
ALLSHELL = 1 If 0 include only the best Shell sort by Knuth.
ALL_OEIS = 1 If 1 include Shell sorts based on OEIS sequences.
ALLVALUE = 0 If 1 include heap and quick sort using value() access.
QREXXLIB = 0 If 1 include external Quercus REXXLIB ARRAYSORT().
REXXUTIL = 0 If 1 include external Object REXX SysStemSort().
RESERVED = 0 If 1 include user supplied !SORT().
SEED = random()Replace a whole number (0..999) to reproduce results.

With ABSOLUTE = 0 timings are relative to a dummy O(n) procedure (n comparisons plus n moves). The VERYSLOW methods include a QuickSort variant using the first key as pivot element, the desastrous O(n²) effect for already sorted, almost sorted, and almost inverse arrays is shown by TESTS(n). Normally you would set RESERVED = 1 to include whatever actually interesting procedure !SORT at the end of rexxsort.cmd, but the results shown below had no special sort under test.

Finally select one of several tests by replacing the corresponding  when 0 then... clause by  when 1 then... Actually there are only 5 choices, you can run BASIC(0), BASIC(1), TESTS(n), TESTT(m), or TESTT() without argument.

BASIC(0) is the default if no when 1 then... selection exists. It sorts arrays with 1, 2, etc. upto 19 keys and checks the result against a reference sort. 19 is small enough to show arrays using procedure DEBUG on a line with 80 columns, if you ever have to debug an additional algorithm.

BASIC(1) tries to characterize a sort method using special arrays with sorted, half sorted, inverse, and half inverse keys. The best (fastest) result is used as basis 1.0, and all other results are relative to this basis (factors). You may have to calibrate BASIC on fast machines by editing its line TOP = 5000, if sorting 5000 records takes less than 1 tick, but this problem would be also reported in the result.

Known characteristics are inverse (i.e. the method prefers to sort inverse arrays, typical for heap sort), natural (method prefers to sort already sorted arrays), sequential (method likes sequences of already sorted arrays, typical for natural merging), shuffled (method doesn't like sorted or inverse arrays, typical for a simple quick sort), direct (typical for direct selection), sorted (method prefers only already sorted arrays), orderly (dito less extreme, typical for Shell sort), and none (typical for binary merge, or the number of records is too small to detect another characteristic).

TESTS(n) sorts 4 arrays with n keys. The 1st array contains keys in random order, the 2nd array is already sorted, the 3rd array is almost sorted (one key out of order), and the last array is almost inverse (one key in order). A medium result is shown, where the random array contributes 70% and the three special arrays contribute 10%. Results for TESTS(100000) are shown below.

TESTT(m) sorts arrays with m, 2.5×m, 2.5×2.5×m, etc. keys, as long as the multiplaction by 2.5 yields a whole number. You don't have to compute values for m, simply select an existing case like  when 1 then exit TESTT(400) to get five columns for 400, 1000, 2500, 6250, and 15625 keys.

TESTT() without argument shows normally two columns for 59052 resp. 78735 records. With these values I found worst cases for my simple Shell sort: Unlike normal Shell Sorts procedure USORT uses a dynamic (instead of fixed) sequence of distances. The first (now removed) variant of USORT used the formula if K>3 then K=(K%3)+2; else K=1 starting with K=N, where N is the number of records, and REXX operator % an integer division. The actual sequence of distances depends on N, but there are obviously upper and lower bounds. 59052 results in 19686, 6564, 2190, 732, 246, 84, 30, 12, 6, 4, 1, therefore my next attempt was to eliminate even numbers using again the formula K=(K%3)+2 followed by K=K-1 for an even K>4 resp. K=1 for K<5. One worst case for this USORT variant still included in rexxsort.cmd is 78735, i.e. the sequence 26247, 8751, 2919, 975, 327, 111, 39, 15, 7, 3, 1.

To get the results shown below comparing more Shell sorts variants I added 30030 (last primorial below 100000), 50000, 97336 (dito last cube), 99991 (dito last prime), and 100000 to the hardwired TESTT() values. The sequence in Knuth's Shell sort variant is the same as in A003462, the small differences in the result are caused by a multi-tasking system and the code, compare procedures TSORT and S0SORT in rexxsort.cmd, S0SORT upto S6SORT corresponding to EIS (Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences) A0...-sequences are only quick hacks designed to test less than 1,000,000 records. If you really want to sort more than 1,000,000 records use (a) heap sort instead of Shell sort, and (b) a compiled program instead of an interpreted REXX script.

sorting 100000 keys, rel. timing O(n) = 1.230000, seed 171

                 (70%)    (10%)   almost   almost   (100%)
sort methods    random   sorted   sorted   invers   medium
 Hoare QSort    15.171    9.350    9.350    9.886   13.478
treble QSort    12.984    7.919    7.935    8.472   11.521
  heap  sort    20.203   20.341   20.333   18.642   20.074
simple SSort    30.276   10.659   11.374   17.626   25.159
 Shell SSort    37.439   14.911   16.024   18.764   31.177
 Knuth SSort    37.602    9.732   10.821   15.504   29.927
A003462 Sort    37.837    9.821   10.894   15.512   30.109
A033622 Sort    25.772   12.862   14.154   17.163   22.459
A036562 Sort    29.577    8.252    9.813   14.789   23.989
A036569 Sort    28.545   11.756   13.098   16.724   24.139
A036564 Sort    66.106   10.886   12.683   19.333   50.564
A055875 Sort    34.154   17.293   18.528   22.618   29.752
A055876 Sort    26.317   12.203   13.146   16.593   22.616

For the results shown above a number like 26.317 means, that a Shell sort based on EIS sequence A055876 took about 32.4 seconds (26.317×1.23) on my busy OS/2 system to sort 100,000 random records for random seed 171. In the results shown below you'll only see relative timings, because the O(n) base 1.23 seconds depends on the number of records.

My interpretation of these results is, that using A055876 could be a good idea, but A033622 is probably better: The formula for A033622 is (relatively) clear and simple. The formula format(1+EXP(1)**(N-2),,0) for A055876 is more complex: You'll always need dubious limits for the precison (REXX NUMERIC DIGITS) and / or for the upper bound of a hardwired table (1,000,000 in S6SORT), and of course REXX has no built-in EXP(1) - but you could use RxShell.

rel. timing based on O(n) 1.0, seed 465

sort methods     30030    50000    59052    78735    97336    99991   100000
 Hoare QSort    14.606   14.016   14.803   14.753   14.362   14.651   14.740
treble QSort    12.273   11.887   12.690   12.660   12.307   12.512   12.803
  heap  sort    18.697   18.097   19.000   19.062   18.575   19.062   19.433
simple SSort    25.000   24.774   31.634   35.010   27.732   28.000   29.764
 Shell SSort    31.000   31.065   32.732   34.825   34.795   34.845   34.055
 Knuth SSort    29.061   33.274   33.761   34.887   33.276   37.426   35.512
A003462 Sort    28.909   33.161   33.676   34.732   32.858   37.450   35.228
A033622 Sort    23.061   22.500   23.944   24.660   24.150   24.566   24.850
A036562 Sort    25.939   26.000   27.408   28.309   27.874   28.318   29.094
A036569 Sort    25.091   24.645   26.620   26.835   26.614   27.101   27.055
A036564 Sort    58.182   61.694   57.366   67.464   70.220   63.519   73.118
A055875 Sort    28.727   28.952   30.901   32.443   32.055   32.612   33.047
A055876 Sort    23.879   23.113   24.634   25.206   24.669   25.217   25.591

Another interpretation of these results: Use heap sort or maybe treble QSORT (TSORT) instead of any Shell sort. No surprise, but at least it convinced me to delay further efforts to improve the simple SSORT (USORT). The Shell sorts 1 and 2 in the famous REXX Tips & Tricks by B.Schemmer are much worse than all tested versions, and "another sort" is essentially the same as Knuth's Shell sort (A003462 resp. TSORT). The Shell sort in REXXALGO.INF (RXALG130 published 1996) is actually only a bubble sort, it starts with distance 1 doing all the work, but all Shell sorts end with distance 1 for any remaining work.

The name treble QSORT for RSORT is my own invention, its idea is of course not new (probably by Knuth, Hoare, or Wirth): A traditional QSORT uses the M-th key as pivot element in its partition, where M=(L+R)%2 is the M­iddle of the lower Left and upper R­ight boundary. If you really want to see the desatrous effects of taking L either edit VERYSLOW = 1 to test a bunch of O(n²) procedures including FSORT, or better copy the FSORT code to !SORT, and select something like TESTS(5000) to see already sorted resp. inverse arrays, the worst cases for FSORT. The mnemonic for FSORT is F­irst choice, i.e. taking the key of the Left boundary as pivot element.

RSORT resp. treble QSORT also determines the M­iddle M, but then it first sorts the (upto) 3 records with index L, M, and R. A partition with 3 or less records is completely handled in this step. Otherwise the medium key-value (one of the keys with index L, M, R) is taken as pivot element for this partition. Finally the bigger part is pushed for a later QSORT phase, and the smaller part is handled immediately. The bigger part of more than 3 records contains obviously more than 1 record, and the corrsponding check in QSORT is unnecessary in RSORT, compare the end of these procedures.

Now this is all known since about 30 years, but you still find variants of QSORT in the wild with all possible errors, including unnecessary recursion as in RxStemSort() (an external procedure included in good old OS/2 RxUtils.dll) crashing for more than 16384 records with a stack overrun, or even F­irst choice variants like FSORT (see QSORT.ASM in the MS C 6.0 source, it checks the already sorted case explicitly, missing the equally desastrous inverse case).

The recursive QQSORT in REXX Tips & Tricks is quite fast and uses a similar trick to handle small partitions: 8 or less records are sorted directly, bigger parts are handled traditionally, i.e. using the M-th key. Its direct handling is only a bubble sort, this could be improved by using direct selection (see DSORT). The recursion is of course unnecessary, the REXX operations for a stack push and pop are faster:

   S = 1 ;  SL.1 = 1 ;  SR.1 = STEM.0     /* initial stack 1..end */
   L = SL.S ;  R = SR.S ;  S = S - 1      /* pop  left L, right R */
   S = S + 1   ;  SL.S = I ;  SR.S = R    /* push right part I..R */
   S = S + 1   ;  SL.S = L ;  SR.S = J    /* push  left part L..J */

Replacing bubble sort by DSORT didn't make QQSORT faster than RSORT, but maybe I'll try harder in a future version of rexxsort.cmd. Please let me know about any algorithm to create a or the worst case (depending on the number of records) for treble QSORT. I'm not yet convinced that using heap sort instead of quick sort is really necessary to avoid desasters. Of course you should always check the source code, and if that's not possible roll your own heap or quick sort.

top   See also my small collections of REXX links and scripts, or visit the EIS page.

W3 validator Last update: 18 Jul 2003 16:00 by F.Ellermann