Email Authentication

David MacQuigg
updated March 12, 2006 {1}

Ensuring a valid identity on an email has become a vital first step in stopping spam, forgery, fraud, and even more serious crimes. Unfortunately, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) that handles most email today was designed in an era when users of the Internet were mostly honest techies who expected others to be equally honest. This article will explain how email identities are forged and the steps that are being taken to prevent it.

Mail Transfer Chaos

In a simple mail transfer, there are four key players: the author or originator of the email, the sender or agent who first puts the email on the public Internet, the receiver or agent who gets the email from the Internet, and the recipient who is the person supposed to read the email.[1]  When we say Internet, with a capital I, we mean the world-wide network that shares a common set of IP addresses, not the internal networks before the sender or after the receiver. For example, the computer I am writing this article on shares a local network with other computers having addresses I can assign at will. My network connects via a router to the network of my Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), and he can assign whatever addresses he wants within his network, including the address of my router. It is only when he connects his router to the Internet that a real Internet IP address is needed.


Other than the sender's IP address, there is no verification of any information in an email. It is quite easy for a spammer to make an exact copy of an email from, including a long complicated sequence of headers and a genuine logo in the body of an email, then change the content to send readers to a website that appears to be genuine, but is actually a phishing scam designed to capture names, passwords, and credit card numbers.

So why can't the sender's IP address be used to identify the spammer? There are two problems. One is that spammers often work through forwarders to hide their IP addresses (see below). Another is that the sender is often a zombie that has been infected by a computer virus, and is programmed to send spam without the owner even knowing about it. There are millions of insecure home computers, and they have now ( March 2005 ) become the major source of spam.

Attempts to stop spam by blacklisting sender's IP addresses have failed to reverse the worldwide growth. Most IP addresses are dynamic, i.e. they are frequently changing. An ISP, or any organization directly connected to the Internet, gets a block of real Internet addresses when they sign up with an Internet Registry. Within that block, they assign individual addresses to customers as needed. A dial-up customer may get a new IP address each time they connect. By the time that address appears on blacklists all over the world, the spammer will have new addresses for the next run. There are 4 billion possible IP addresses on the Internet. The game of blocking these rapidly changing IP addresses has been facetiously called "whack-a-mole".

There are a number of things that ISPs have done to stop zombies and deliberate spamming by their customers. Infected computers can be cleared of viruses and patched to resist further infection. Outgoing email can be monitored for any sudden increase in flow or in content that is typical of spam. Some ISPs have been quite successful {2}, but others don't care to make the effort. With spam now two thirds of all email traffic {3}, there will always be ISPs willing to provide services for spammers.

Authenticating Senders

Email authentication greatly simplifies and automates the process of identifying senders. By quickly verifying a claimed domain name, it is possible to triage the incoming flood of mail.  Forgeries and known spamming domains can be rejected at the connection level, without wasting any time on data transfer, or even testing a long list of possible recipient names from the spammer's dictionary.  Reputable senders can be given a pass for an entire session, allowing them to bypass the IP blacklists and statistical filters that always lose some valid messages. The remaining flow can be treated the same as we now treat all email - rigorous filtering, return challenges to the sender, etc. Successful authentication, coupled with a domain-rating system, will reward reputable senders and encourage others to clean up their outgoing mail.

There are a number of methods to authenticate a sender's domain name ( SPF [2], SenderID [3], CSV [4] , DomainKeys [5], and others).  All are very effective in stopping the kind of forgery now prevalent.  None exclude the use of other methods, although there is a lot of overlap in basic function, and some incompatibilites.  There are small vulnerabilites in each method, and it may be that a combination of two will be required to cover all the cracks.  The most widely used will likely be the ones that require the least effort on the part of senders who are reluctant to assume any responsibility for operating public mail servers.

CSV, SPF, and SenderID authenticate just a domain name. DomainKeys uses a Digital Signature to authenticate domain names and the entire content of a message. CSV and SPF can reject a forgery before any data transfer. SenderID must see at least the headers, and DomainKeys must transfer the entire message.  CSV is the quickest.  DomainKeys is the most thorough.  CSV checks only the HELO name at the start of each SMTP session.  SPF checks the return address on each message "envelope".  SenderID checks the From address in the headers of each message.  Domainkeys can detect any alteration in the headers or body of a message.

CSV, SPF, and SenderID work by checking the IP address of the actual sender {4} against a list of addresses authorized by the alleged sender.  If the sender says "HELO this is sending to you from address", the receiver can query AOL's records in the Domain Name System ( DNS ), and see if that is indeed an address authorized to send mail on behalf of AOL.  So far, it looks like DNS is secure {5}.


DomainKeys also uses DNS to retrieve secure information from the alleged sender, but instead of a list of authorized addresses, the sender provides a public key for his domain.  This key can be used to verify the signature on the message, independent of any IP address.  Freedom from IP addressing means the message can go by any route, including through a forwarder.

The use of forwarders is common for small domains which prefer not to manage their own mail server, and for individual recipients, who prefer to keep their personal address when they change jobs or ISPs.  SPF and SenderID can also work with forwarders, but the extra steps add complexity and some vulnerability to the system (see below).  CSV limits its focus to one-hop authentications, and assumes a signature method will be used for end-to-end authentication.

Use of the DNS database to register authentication information for a domain is relatively new. The new information is added to existing DNS records, and queries for this information are handled the same way as any other DNS query. Publishing authentication records in DNS is voluntary, and many domains probably won't bother. However, any legitimate domain, even those that don't intend to operate public mail servers, will most likely want to block others from using their name to forge emails. A simple code in their DNS record will tell the world, "Block all mail claiming to be from our domain. We have no public mail servers."

The Problems with Forwarders

At this point, you probably know all you need to know about email authentication, but there are some additional details when an email forwarder is involved.  Forwarders can complicate an IP-authentication method like SPF or SenderID or invalidate a signature by modifying a message, as some mailing lists like to do.  Use of a forwarder prevents the receiver from directly seeing the sender's IP Address. The incoming IP packets have only the forwarder's IP Address.  Two solutions are possible.  Either you trust the forwarder to authenticate the sender, in effect extending the receiver's boundary to the Internet, or you trust the forwarder to enforce his own anti-spam policy, in effect extending the sender's boundary to the Internet.


The situation gets even more complicated when there are forwarders on both sides of the transaction.  All it takes is one mismanaged link in the chain-of-trust from sender to receiver, and it is no longer possible to authenticate the sender.  Even worse, a forwarder could be actively involved in the crime, doing such things as a "replay attack" in which one message with a valid signature is relayed to a million recipients.

The solution to these problems requires trust and effort on both ends.  Senders and receivers must trust all agents within their own "administrative domains" to be honest and competent.  Then we can focus our attention on the one boundary that cannot be trusted, the one between unrelated sending and receiving domains.  Providing trust at this boundary is the essential role of email authentication, and what must be done to restore the email system to what it once was – a reliable and universal communications medium, available to any sender who meets some very minimal requirements of honesty and competence.


{1} This is a simplified article, based on the original Wikipedia article by David MacQuigg, including some of the contributions from subsequent authors.
{2} America Online claims to have eliminated outgoing spam. A small sample of reports from SpamCop seems to validate this.
{3} For current spam data see "Threat Statistics" at
{4} IP Address forgery is possible, but generally involves a lower level of criminal behavior ( breaking and entering, wiretapping, etc.), and these crimes are neither exciting to a hacker, nor sufficiently risk-free for a typical spammer.
{5} There have been attacks on DNS servers, but doing this on a large scale over a long period of time may be orders of magnitude more difficult than spreading zombie infections among millions of insecure home computers. The much smaller number of DNS servers could be upgraded to use DNSSEC if such attacks were to become commonplace.


[1] How mail flows through the Internet
[2] Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
[3] SenderID
[4] Certified Server Validation (CSV)
[5] DomainKeys

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